IC15 would comprise Cryptocurrencies Coins and Tokens that confirm to the terms and conditions as mentioned in the Index Methodology which is available on the CryptoIndex page of 3verse.in
Eligibility Criteria
◆ Top 400 coins in terms of market capitalization
◆ Only Cryptocurrencies Coins and Tokens are considered
◆ Stable Coins are not eligible
Universe Selection
◆ The eligible Index constituent should have traded on at least 90% of Trading Days during the Review Period.
◆ The eligible Index constituent should be in the top 100 most liquid cryptocurrencies in terms of Trading Value during the preceding month.
◆ The eligible Index constituent should also be in the top 50 in terms of the Circulating Market Capitalization during the preceding month.
Index Basket Creation
◆ Top 15 cryptocurrencies in terms of circulating market capitalization are eligible to be a part of the Index.
◆ The Index Committee decides on the final basket of IC15 and may consider a mid-term review of the Index basket in exceptional situations.
Circulating Market Capitalization
The circulating Market Capitalization of each Cryptocurrency is calculated by multiplying the Price by the Circulating Supply of each Cryptocurrency.
Constituent Numbers
The number of Index constituents shall be 15 Cryptocurrencies.
Constituent Weightings
All Index constituents’ weightage shall be determined based on their Market Capitalization.
Please refer to the link [Index of Cryptos (IC15)] for details.